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Characteristics of Glass Lined Reactor Enameling Process

The enamel firing process of China's Glass Lined Reactor is mainly carried out in a muffle furnace. Next, the editor will introduce the characteristics of the enamel firing process and its differences from foreign processes.

The firing furnace mainly relies on the radiation of heat for heating, with the muffle furnace as the main body. The characteristic of Chinese enamel firing process is the method of rapid heating and cooling, which is different from the three stage firing method in foreign countries. So, once the product has a fire stop device on its structure, the fire stop part is prone to quality problems caused by delayed temperature rise on the surface of the glass lined reaction kettle, such as the upper and lower connecting rings and supporting components of the container, which are prone to fire stop. Therefore, designers should minimize the number of fire isolation structures or improve the structure of components that are prone to fire isolation to minimize the impact of fire isolation.

Glass Lined Reactor

If the product must have a fire-resistant structure, the following measures should be taken:

① Add local heat sources, such as adding local heating zones at the bottom of the container, connecting rings, pipe openings, etc.

② Extend the fire stop and excavate in sections. Convert the long section of the flame arrester into several small sections, where it can ignite the excavated part, such as the support ear bracket plate of the storage tank.

The above is an introduction to the enameling process of Glass Lined Reactor. Shandong Tanglian is a professional chemical and pharmaceutical equipment manufacturer with 25 years of production experience, so you can choose with confidence.

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